I took the tank and the bike to the fabricators on November 14th and have been working with them periodically to insure we all are on the same page. The Fabricator, lets call him Billy, is doing a good job. He really want to make sure I get what I want. So he has been calling me before each step, we discuss it and than he makes the cut or welds the bracket. This is all fine, BUT I want my project back.

I was down just after Christmas and it appear to be ready to weld in the new bottom, with a level sensor I found on Ebay. So what have I been doing while waiting for the tank you might ask.
Well, spending money is the short answer.

I bought a rear fender off of a 2009 FLH Electro-Glide and than found the taillight off a 03 and blinkers off a 2000. I finally found the headlights at a good price that will fit the fairing. Winter is the best time to buy used motorcycle part as riders clean up around their shops because it maybe to cold or wet to ride.

I think there is going to be some issues with trying to wire a 1998 Road Glide, a 1995 Heritage, and a 2009 Electro Glide to a 1994 Honda Goldwing. Well I did say in the first Blog I was looking for challenge.
The bike should be back early next year. Which accurately is next week. I am hoping for a great new year as I begin to assemble my project.