I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to wire the bike. Bought a wiring harness for the Harley Road Glide fairing and needed to merge it with the existing Honda harness. I found both the Harley and Honda wiring details online and purchased multiple weather resistant connectors to plug them together.

Until I smell it and than saw it. Smoke! TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF!
So began the search for what was smoking, and why. It is usually easy to find the what. The key is to make sure you find all of the "Whats". Than the important "Why", Because if you do not determine why it will happen again.
Began by removing tape from the bundle the smoke appeared to be coming from. Found one of the ground wires totally melted. I had to clear the entire bundle as the wire melted the adjacent wired.
Also found a totally blown 20 amp fuse. So the search resulted in finding that I was in to big of a hurry to power it up. I had a hot wire go to ground resulting in letting the magic smoke out.
Replaced the damaged wire, re-taped, and made sure everything was properly terminated. And again turned everything on and waited.
So finally some real progress. Mounted all the relays, installed all the gauges (fuel level, temperature, voltmeter and a clock), mounting the rear fender, installing level sensor and fuel lines. Need to run plug wires and complete the wiring of the rear lights. Possibly in the next month put some gas in the tank and see if the bike restarts with the only smoke coming out of the exhaust.