I have been learning about making side panels out of plastics, how to apply bondo to plastics, and if you rush it can really look like crap.
I initially was thinking I could make the side panels from sheet metal.

This was looking kind of OK but my skill level had a lot to be desired. Not to mention the amount of bondo going to be required to cover up my learning curve.
So I started thinking about fiberglass. Watched tons of videos of various DIY guys at different skill levels and how easy they all made it look and how messy as well. In my research I came across this one guy with a flat sheet of plastic, some simple shears, and a heat gun making very complex shapes. WHAT! Thermoform ABS plastic looked like some pretty cool stuff. I ordered a sheet and found out how easy it was to work with, so decided to go plastic. As I discovered the Honda Goldwing plastic was also made of ABS and with heat it to could be shaped, so what can I use to make my life easier?
So with a jig saw, shears and patients as well as some heat the Honda panels took on a new shape.
The next thing I discovered is plastic welding or fusing and how simple it was. First I found a little acetone will instantly fuse two pieces of thermoform plastic together.

Than I found PlastiFix. This stuff is very cool but the fumes are strong and toxic. You can bond any two pieces of plastic or fill holes, repair cracks or just cover up any mistakes or screw ups. this is good stuff.
So the bike is really coming together. The next big thing is to totally take it apart, have the engine rebuilt to make it fresh and decide if I will try my hand at painting. My initial bondoing and prime is kinda of OK. But!